HVAC Test & Balance | Penn Air Group

Penn Air Group
24 / 7 Emergency Support

HVAC Test & Balance


Penn Air’s HVAC Test & Balance division improves working environments with better energy efficiency solutions. Efficiency guarantees future cost savings, a comfortable workplace, and a productive workforce.

Following procedures issued by the Associated Air Balance Council (AABC), Penn Air values how Testing, Adjusting and Balancing will lead to comfort. They maintain strict guidelines to ensure a consistent airflow throughout the building and that the systems controls are working in sync with the output.

Properly balanced systems need to circulate a significant amount of fresh air as required by OSHA regulations and building codes. Medical facilities and laboratories are dependent on specific adjustments to the pressure differentials. In severe cases, where patients are suffering from tuberculosis, isolation rooms must have negative pressure to prevent airborne transmission.
Specific Services
Test and Balance Engineering (TAB) (NAICS 238220) – We are an Independent Testing Agency, and a member of the Associated Air Balance Council (AABC).

HVAC Air & Water (Hydronic) Testing, Adjusting and Balancing

Sound and Vibration Testing

Air Duct Pressure Testing & Certification

Duct Air Leakage Testing - DALT measured, leakage identified, and sealed

Hospital Critical Area Air Flow & Pressure Testing/Annual Certifications

Clean Room and Exhaust Hood Testing and Certification

Mechanical/Electrical/Life Safety Control Performance Verification

Review of Control Sequences and Interlocks

Cooling Tower Thermal Performance Testing

Pressure Mapping of a Facility and its Interstitial Spaces

Environmental Systems Performance Evaluation

Tune-ups for Energy Conservation (Retro-Commissioning of Mechanical Systems & Controls)

Mechanical/Life Safety/Smoke Removal Systems Due Diligence Surveys
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